Because It’s Christmas
Tonight the stars shine for the children
And light the way for dreams to fly
Tonight our love comes wrapped in ribbons
The world is right and hopes are high
And from a dark and frosted window
A child appears to search the sky
Because it’s Christmas
Because it’s Christmas
Tonight belongs to all the children
Tonight their joy rings through the air
And so, we send our tender blessings
To all the children ev’rywhere
To see the smiles and hear the laughter
A time to give, a time to share
Because it’s Christmas
Because it’s Christmas
For now and forever for all of the children
And for the children in us all
Tonight belongs to all the children
Tonight their joy rings through the air
And so, we send our tender blessings
To all the children ev’rywhere
To see the smiles and hear the laughter
A time to give, a time to share
Because it’s Christmas
For now and forever
For all of the children
And for the children in us all.
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