Christmas, Season of Childlike Delight
O Christmas,
you season of childlike delight,
We all give you heartiest welcome;
Our voices we raise
in a song clear and bright,
To bid you a thousand times welcome.
Our hands we will clap, clap, clap,
As merry as can be;
so glad are we this day to see,
We circle all around, bow and curtsey.
O wise men who come
from the lands of the East,
We know of the Babe you are seeking;
We pray
we may join you in your holy quest,
And follow the star brightly beaming.
Our hands we will clap, clap, clap,
As merry as can be;
so glad are we this day to see,
We circle all around, bow and curtsey.
In joy and thanksgiving
I offer my hand,
And ask that you give yours in token,
That we be united by this sacred band:
God’s love through the ages unbroken.
Our hands we will clap, clap, clap,
As merry as can be;
so glad are we this day to see,
We circle all around, bow and curtsey.
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