Madam Golden – Circle Game
Oh, so many beautiful daughters, Madam Golden,
Oh, so many beautiful daughters!
They’re beautiful and I keep them with me, King’s Squire,
They’re beautiful and I keep them with me.
The king requests one, Madam Golden,
The king requests one.
What does he want her for, King’s Squire,
What does he want her for?
He wants to marry her off, Madam Golden,
He wants to marry her off.
Who would he marry her off to, King’s Squire,
Who would he marry her off to?
To a chimney sweep, Madam Golden,
To a chimney sweep.
And how would he dress her, King’s Squire,
And how would he dress her?
With rags and patches, Madam Golden,
With rags and patches.
Get out of my castle, King’s Squire,
Get out of my castle.
I keep my daughters with me, King’s Squire,
I keep my daughters with me.
Oh, so many beautiful daughters, Madam Golden,
Oh, so many beautiful daughters.
They’re beautiful and I keep them with me, King’s Squire,
They’re beautiful and I keep them with me.
The king requests one, Madam Golden,
The king requests one.
What does he want her for, King’s Squire,
What does he want her for?
He wants to marry her off, Madam Golden,
He wants to marry her off.
Who would he marry her off to, King’s Squire,
Who would he marry her off to?
To the king of Spain, Madam Golden,
To the king of Spain*.
And how would he dress her, King’s Squire,
And how would he dress her?
With roses and pansies**, Madam Golden,
With roses and pansies.
Get into my castle, King’s Squire,
Get into my castle.
Choose the most beautiful one, King’s Squire,
Choose the most beautiful one.
I’ve already chosen the most beautiful one, Madam Golden,
I’ve already chosen the most beautiful one.
Then goodbye to you, King’s Squire,
Then goodbye to you.
*In some versions, the groom is the prince of Spain (principe di Spagna) or the king’s son of Spain (figlio del re di Spagna).
**”Viole” can refer to pansies or violets.
Illustrazioni di Cecilia Mistrali per
Per leggere il testo in lingua italiana: Madama Doré, clicca qui!