The Merry Christmas Polka

The Merry Christmas PolkaThey’re tuning up the fiddles now,
The fiddles now, the fiddles now;
There’s wine to warm the middles now
And set your head awhirl.

Around and round the room we go,
The room we go, the room we go;
Around and round the room we go,
So get yourself a girl.

Now ev’ry heart will start to tingle,
When sleigh bells jingle on Santa’s sleigh;
Together we will greet Kris Kringle
And another Christmas Day.

Come on and dance the merry Christmas polka;
Let ev’ryone be happy and gay.
Oh, it’s the time to be jolly and deck the halls with holly;
So let’s have a jolly holiday.

Come on and dance the merry Christmas polka;
Another joyous season has begun.
Roll out the Yuletide barrels and sing out the carols,
A merry Christmas ev’ryone!

Come on and dance the merry Christmas polka;
Let ev’ry lady step with her beau
Around a tree to the ceiling with lots of time for stealing
Those kisses beneath the mistletoe.

Come on and dance the merry Christmas polka,
With ev’rybody joining in the fun;
Roll out the barrels that cheer you, and shout till they hear you,
A merry Christmas ev’ryone!


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