The Road to Slumberland
Which is the road to Slumberland,
And when does the baby go?
The road lies straight through mother’s arms,
When the sun is sinking low;
She goes by the drowsy “Land of Nod,”
To the music of “Lullaby,”
When all wee lambs are safe in the fold,
Under the evening sky.
Two little tired satiny feet
From the shoe and the stocking free,
Two little palms together pressed
At the patient mother’s knee,
Some baby words that are drowsily lisped
In the tender Shepherd’s ear,
And a kiss that only a mother can place
On the brow of her baby dear.
And close and closer the heavy lids
Are hiding the baby eyes,
As over the road to Slumberland
The dear little trav’ler hies;
And this is the way, through mother’s arms,
The precious darlings go
To the beautiful city of Slumberland
When the sun is sinking low.