What Witches Do

What Witches DoThe witches don their pointed hats,
The witches croak and croon,
The witches ride their broomsticks,
Away beyond the moon.

The witches don their flowing cloaks,
The witches stir their brew.
The witches chant their magic spells,
All the dark hours through.

The witches stroke their big black cats,
They comb their locks of gray,
Yet when the first faint daylight comes.
The witches hide away.



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E ancora:

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Come vivere Halloween in sicurezza: regole per grandi e piccini: clicca qui!

Poesie in Cornice
Per stampare le Poesie in Cornice, clicca qui!


Se ancora non ti basta, visita lo Speciale Festa di Halloween!

Speciale Halloween
Visita lo speciale Festa di Halloween!

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